Living in a digital era where various tools are available to help us perform multiple tasks to save significant time and effort is nothing less than a blessing. Whether we want to search for desired content on the web, reword something we have already written, identify various mistakes in the given text, or check content for plagiarism, tools are available for every task.Some tasks are only possib ...
November 15. 2024 0 Comments
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Writing an article is an important skill to develop, which students should also possess. To achieve the grades and to graduate from the university or college, article writing is an exceptional event. Today, you can access more than you can imagine whether reading or learning new things. Have you ever thought that the writers and bloggers you follow create interesting posts daily while you must do ...
March 11. 2024 0 Comments
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There is a solid reason why so many college students start online blogs or tend to work with diaries. It doesn't even matter if one does not have hundreds of subscribers or a person who would read these sacred thoughts because it's not even the point! The main purpose is the creativity and the therapeutic element that comes along with creative writing. Now, it's not only a unique tool for self-exp ...
November 26. 2023 0 Comments
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Working while studying may come when you are young and need to supplement your finances in college or later in life when you need to upgrade your skills. It is never easy because both engagements are physically and mentally engaging. Luckily, a lot of people have balanced work and studies seamlessly, enabling them to achieve financial stability as well as meet work targets.Balancing work and studi ...
March 7. 2023 0 Comments
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Writing is a skill that is difficult to learn but can be improved with practice. It is much like playing sports or any other skills that require training.One of the best ways to improve your practical skills in writing is by reading regularly. Read various styles and pay attention to how the paper flows and what makes it effective.Make Your Point ClearMany writers from s ...
February 27. 2023 0 Comments
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If you are a student, we bet you’ve heard a lot about primary and secondary sources and their roles in research. But though many are talking about it, not many realize the difference. In this article, expert academic writers will make the concepts of primary and secondary resources clear and help you grasp the difference. But, first...Why Do You Need to Know the Difference?When trying to figure ou ...
November 24. 2021 0 Comments
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"Article Rewriting” term means revealing the information in a new and effective style. By this technique, you can grab the attention of the audience in a catchier way.Article rewriting is directly referring to create something new. Simply, making some changes in a text by replacing some words, expressions, and writing different sentences.Moreover, sometimes rewriting technique generates whole new ...
October 17. 2021 0 Comments
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Looking for a free plagiarism checker with percentage reporting features? Well if you are, then you should not worry any more as today is the day that we tell you about the best free tool that should be used by you to check plagiarism! Checking of plagiarism and duplication in academic, professional, website, business, and news content has become very much important these days, especially after th ...
April 27. 2020 0 Comments
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Children are a lot smarter than people give them credit for in a lot of ways. For one, the mind of a child is very malleable, or, to use the technical term, has a great deal of neural plasticity. This is a fancy way to say they can learn complex concepts really well if the concept is properly explained and taught. This includes languages.Children are in fact very good at learning languages if they ...
March 23. 2020 0 Comments
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In the past few decades, plagiarism has emerged as one of the major obstacles in content writing. Exposure to information has dramatically increased due to the internet, and stealing someone else’s content is easier than ever before. In comparison with deliberate plagiarism, unintentional plagiarism is even harder to fight with. It is something content writers, students, research workers, and jour ...
March 9. 2020 0 Comments
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Writing comes natural to some people, it’s a talent and an art so the qualifications required to be one aren’t always clear. Anyone with a passion for getting their hands dirty with a little research and the ability to pitch their work to the right platforms can become a great magazine writer. To producing good articles that keep your readers interested and constantly make your editor come back to ...
August 6. 2019 0 Comments
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Whether you’re a content writer writing an article or a teacher checking student assignments, you surely have to compare texts and likely come across plagiarism hundreds of times. It’s quite frustrating even when it seems someone’s not doing it on purpose, especially when that someone is you and you don’t know how you got there.What really is plagiarism?Plagiarism is quite simply the act of copyin ...
August 2. 2019 0 Comments
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