Writing a dissertation is a difficult task, and one of the biggest challenges students face is keeping their word count within the prescribed limit. Dissertations often have strict word count requirements, and exceeding them can result in penalties or even rejection. Reducing word count in a dissertation can be challenging, but it is essential for maintaining clarity and conciseness. Start by elim ...
June 18. 2024 0 Comments
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If you've ever thought about studying or working abroad, then you've probably heard about that exam. Some people take it just to confirm their knowledge of the language or verify the stage of learning they are currently on, and some use its results to change their lives once and for all. Nevertheless, this exam is the most popular English proficiency test and it is recognized by all major global c ...
June 13. 2024 0 Comments
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IELTS is an exam that must be passed to study in a number of countries (Great Britain, Canada, Australia, etc.), as well as for emigration and work.To pass the IELTS exam, among other things, you must write an essay. This is required to complete the "Writing" module. To complete it, you have to do two tasks. The first is to describe a graphic drawing, graph, or letter. The second is to write an es ...
November 19. 2020 0 Comments
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