Cockney MeaningCockney can mean a few things. In the past, it was a pejorative term for the blue collar folks of London’s East Side. It’s not nearly as negative a term as it used to be, though the implications remain. The cockney themselves have come to embrace the term, reveling in their working class grit and wisdom over the aristocratic hullaballoo of the fancy hat wearers in the House of Lords ...
January 28. 2020 0 Comments
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Pirate LanguagePirates have a certain romance about them that has attracted people for centuries. Tales of pirates and privateers plying the waters have regaled people in theater, film, and print for as long as pirates have plied the waters of the New World, if not sooner. Though the reality is far from romantic, there’s something about the freedom of the high seas and search for wealth that aligh ...
December 24. 2019 0 Comments
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The English language is a hilarious hodgepodge.Nominally of Germanic origin thanks to the Saxon invasion of England in the eleventh century, the planted seeds of local dialects and Latin left over from Rome’s control of the land, coupled with the love-hate relationship between England and France, has created a linguistic soup that somehow still counts as Germanic rather than romantic.English is al ...
November 26. 2019 0 Comments
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