The main rule of any translation is the accuracy of transferring the source text into another language. This task becomes even more difficult when it comes to specific professional texts. Medical translation makes even more demands on the translator: any inaccuracy can lead to an incorrect diagnosis or even cost a person his life. Therefore, the translator should be guided by the well-known phrase ...
October 27. 2020 0 Comments
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Language is a reflection of the cultural experience of the people, its traditions and historical heritage. It is formed under the influence of many factors. That's why every language is unique. This explains the presence of specific words in some cultures, which are absent from others. That's what's called a lacuna.Not for nothing is the word in tune with "lagoon." In Latin, it translates as "trou ...
September 28. 2020 0 Comments
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Globalization has opened access to the international market for factories, companies and corporations and has forced business leaders to take a fresh look at the problems of translating technical documentation. The sad experience of numerous companies has shown that not every translator of a broad profile is able to cope with such a task. What requirements are imposed on technical tests, where to ...
September 10. 2020 0 Comments
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It is no secret that you can thoroughly know several foreign languages, communicate freely in them, but still experience difficulties in situations when you have to play the role of an interpreter in communication between people who seek to understand each other as best as possible. And what if you have to translate the statement in just a few seconds and "push it to the air"? This is the work of ...
June 6. 2020 0 Comments
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