7 Steps To Adopt a Minimalist Lifestyle as a College Student

It's no hidden secret that college life can be a time of excess. Between the copious amounts of partying and constant purchasing of new clothes, gadgets, and gizmos, it's easy to get lost in the consumer habit. But what if you want to break away from all of that? What if you want to simplify your life and live more minimally? It's definitely possible to do, even as a student! This article will share seven steps to help you adopt a minimalist lifestyle while still in college.

1. Resist The Urge To Buy Every Single Supply You Need For Your School Projects

While it's advisable to have the necessary tools for completing your assignments, resist the urge to buy new supplies every time you start a new project. Instead, see if you canreuse materials or borrow from friends.
Getting help with master thesis is one way I've managed to cut down on buying supplies for school projects. It means that I can focus on the actual project instead of getting bogged down in the materials.

2. Declutter Your Living Space

In college, it's easy to let things pile up - both literal and figurative. From clothes to textbooks to unfinished assignments, it can feel like there's no end to the amount of stuff in your life. And the more stuff you have, the more you feel stressed and overwhelmed. That's why one of the first steps to adopting a minimalist lifestyle is decluttering your living space.
Getting rid of items in your house that you no longer need or use not only frees up physical space but can also help to clear up your mind and reduce anxiety. When you're surrounded by clutter, it's hard to focus on what's important. But when your space is clean and orderly, it's much easier to relax and think clearly. So if you're ready to simplify your life, start by decluttering your dorm room or apartment. You'll find it surprising how much better you feel!

3. Limit Shopping Trips And Impulse Buys

Another key aspect of minimalism is consuming less. One way to do this as a college student is to limit shopping trips and impulse buys. Instead of going on frequent shopping sprees, list the necessary items you need and stick to them during your trips. And if you have the urge to buy something on impulse, take a step back and ask yourself if it's truly necessary or if it will just end up adding more clutter to your life.
If you find yourself constantly tempted to shop and buy things, it may be helpful to unsubscribe from marketing emails and unfollow brands on social media.

4. Embrace The Sharing Economy

The sharing economy has been growing in popularity in recent years, and it offers an excellent way for college students to adopt a minimalist lifestyle. The sharing economy is based on the principle of sharing resources instead of owning them. This can take various forms, from ridesharing to home sharing. For college students, embracing the sharing economy is a great way to save money and live more simply.
For example, rather than owning a car, students can use ridesharing services like Uber or Lyft. This can save hundreds of dollars monthly on car payments, gas, and insurance. Instead of renting an apartment, students can use home-sharing services like Airbnb to find a place to stay. This can be a perfect way to save money on rent and live in a smaller space. Embracing the sharing economy is an excellent way for college students to save money and live simpler lives.

5. Cut Down Technology Usage

Many college students feel pressure to keep up with the latest technology and trends. However, adopting a minimalist lifestyle can be a great way to reduce stress and simplify your life. One way to do this is to cut down on your technology usage. For example, you might limit yourself to checking social media once a day or only using your computer for schoolwork and not for leisure.
In addition, you might get rid of any unnecessary gadgets, apps, or software you don't use regularly. By cutting back on your technology usage, you can declutter your life and focus on what's important to you. In addition, you'll likely find that you have more time and energy for other activities, like studying or spending time with friends.
So if you're feeling overwhelmed by technology, consider scaling back and simplifying your life. You may be amazed at how better you feel in the process.

6. Prioritize Experiences Over Material Possessions

Material possessions can often leave us feeling empty and unfulfilled. Instead, prioritize experiences over material possessions in your life. This can mean taking a trip with friends or attending concerts or events instead of buying the latest gadgets or clothing items. Experiences create lasting memories and bring joy, while material possessions often become outdated and lose their appeal over time.
By focusing on experiences rather than material possessions, college students can live simpler lives and find true fulfilment.

7. Practice Saying No

Saying no can be a challenging thing to do, but it's an essential aspect of minimalism. Saying no to commitments and some obligations that don't align with your values or bring you joy can help simplify your life as a college student. It may also give you more time and energy to focus on the things that truly matter to you. So next time anyone asks you to take on something that doesn't feel right for you, consider practicing saying no and simplifying your schedule and commitments. You can also use the phrase "let me think about it" to buy yourself some time before committing to something. However, you ultimately have the right to set your priorities and say no when necessary.


As highlighted in this article above, there are many different ways for college students to adopt a minimalist lifestyle. From embracing the sharing economy to prioritizing experiences over material possessions, simplifying your life as a college student can bring benefits such as saving money and reducing stress. So consider incorporating some of these tips into your daily life and embracing minimalism in your unique way. While it can take time and effort to make changes, the benefits are well worth it in the long run. Happy simplifying!

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