Translations. Features of medical translation.
October 27. 2020 0 Comments
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- Translation
The main rule of any translation is the accuracy of transferring the source text into another language. This task becomes even more difficult when it comes to specific professional texts. Medical translation makes even more demands on the translator: any inaccuracy can lead to an incorrect diagnosis or even cost a person his life. Therefore, the translator should be guided by the well-known phrase of Hippocrates "Do no harm!". What rules should be considered when translating such texts? About this and another rules – read in the article.
Medical translation is a highly specialized type of translation of texts on medical or pharmaceutical subjects. It may include:

Types of medical translation
Medical translation is a highly specialized type of translation of texts on medical or pharmaceutical subjects. It may include:
-History of disease
-Medical certificates
-Instructions and other documentation of medical equipment
-Teaching aids
-The guides
-Annotations to medicines
-Drug testing reports
-Survey results
In addition, medical translation can be divided into theoretical, practical and pharmaceutical.
These transfers are required by clinics, medical equipment manufacturers, patients, medical institutions, pharmaceutical companies, citizens who take out insurance in a foreign company.
Thus, the demand for such translations on the market is extremely high.
Problems with the translation of medical texts
Requirements for the qualification of an interpreter are steadily increasing. Ideally, only a specialist with medical knowledge should be involved in the translation of such texts.
The main difficulties of translating texts on similar subjects:
-Specialized medical terminology
-Use of specific acronyms and abbreviations
-Unintelligible handwritten text
-Regular replenishment of medical vocabulary with new words
How to solve these problems?
The interpreter should constantly contact medical dictionaries, as well as consult with specialists. Only then he will be able to translate specific medical terms as accurately as possible.
Translation of the abbreviation requires extreme caution, because depending on the category of text, the abbreviations can change their meaning. Thus, behind the same acronym can hide completely different terms.
To solve this problem, the translator must take into account the context and must look for transcription in documents of the similar area. It is also necessary to consider the branch of medicine, which is devoted to the topic.
Often the translator deals with handwritten texts. Sometimes doctors do not differ in accuracy of handwriting. If the translator can't deal with it, the best thing is to contact the specialist who wrote the prescription.
Previously used words can take on a new meaning. New medicines are emerging. Therefore, the translator needs to be aware of medical news. He must therefore improve his knowledge in this area, for example by subscribing on journals on relevant topics.
Medical translation is further complicated by the fact that many texts have not only general medical subjects, but also are highly specialized. For example, not everyone with a medical background will understand the material on virology.
Because of so many difficulties, medical translation is one of the slowest. The translator must dive headlong into the topic, decipher the abbreviations, and perhaps the handwriting of the doctor.
Features of medical translations
Texts on medical subjects usually have the following specific features:
- Using a predominantly scientific and journalistic style
- Lack of bright emotional color. Official language
- The existence of terms borrowed from other languages in an unchanged form or adapted to the language of the document
- The use of an international medical lexicon that is incomprehensible to non-professionals
- A kind of style and non-standard construction of phrases
Such translations should be carried out by an interpreter who knows medical terminology and has at least basic knowledge in this area. Therefore, such translation is entrusted only to experienced translators.
The executor must consider who is intended for the information. For example, translations for control bodies are not subject to such strict requirements as, for example, translations for patients. In the latter case, the utmost accuracy and responsibility is required. After all, the price of error can be the health of the patient. If the information is intended for the patient, the text should be written in a language he understands.
The translator should avoid ambiguity.

Requirements for medical interpreters
As a rule, translations are carried out by professional translators with humanities education. They do not have special knowledge in the field of medicine, so it is difficult for them to translate texts that they do not understand. Therefore, ideally, the text should then be reconciled by a professional medical worker to correct inaccuracies. The interpreter is also encouraged to consult with people with medical education. This will facilitate better and more correct translation.
Involvement regular translators to medical texts is a big problem. After all, a person without the appropriate knowledge simply will not be able to translate the text correctly.
What other criteria should meet the translator specializing in medical subjects:
-Knowledge of foreign and native language at the highest level
-The ability to analyze
-The ability to conduct research
-Requirements for personal qualities: attentiveness, accuracy, accuracy, responsibility
-Medical knowledge at least at a basic level
-The ability to use specialized literature
-Willingness to consult with doctors and other health professionals to clarify the contentious issues
-Knowledge of international Greek-Latin terminology. After all, many terms came from these languages.
-The desire of self-improvement. New drugs are constantly being developed; new terms are emerging. The translator of medical texts should keep up with the times and read specialized literature

Some clients believe that non-professional translators with medical education or practitioners should be involved in translating texts on medical subjects. However, studies have shown that this group of people made 22% of errors, while professional translators had only 12%.
The realities of the modern world pose new challenges for translators. Now it is not enough just to be a good specialist. You also need to constantly improve your knowledge in other areas in order to translate specific texts.