Encode and decode strings

Text encoding / decoding

The traditional variant of string encoding and decoding in which all symbols are encoded with ‘%’ sign except special characters like : , / ? : @ & = + $ #

To code these characters as well, please, check the functionality below.

As an example:

encode me with, please will lead to -> encode%20me%20with,%20please

Url encoding / decoding

The difference from the first variant is the possibility to encode all symbols without exceptions. This functionality encodes URI component with escape sequence with UTF-8 representation of the symbol. So url should not contain spaces, special symbols, even Unicode symbols and to bypass all protocols restrictions url encoding is the way how to proceed.

Base64 encoding / decoding

Let's start from the traditional declaration of what actually base64 stands for?

The answer is:

“Base64 is a group of similar binary-to-text encoding schemes that represent binary data in an ASCII string format by translating it into a radix-64 representation”

This encoding system is hardly used for the representation of the binary data within email content. To represent the full scope of all symbols only printable Latin symbols [A-Z], [a-z] and [0-9] are used, additional 2 symbols are used differently depends on the system

Why to encode strings and urls

The main reason for data encoding is to ability to transfer the data through internet despite on the coding system and the size of the data.

Encoding allows to represent the data unique way and to minimize the size which is quite crucial on the internet area. Whatever you would like to send : images, text, security signatures, encoding is the mandatory procedure.

In quite simple words, let’s take ASCII symbols only and be able to represent the whole range of world languages and control characters (space, quotes, line breaks and etc.) with help of this symbols set. Additionally each transfer protocol has got it’s own restriction rules and to satisfy them the unique approach of data encoding is required.


All in one place

Strings, url and base64 encode/decode on the same page

Intuitive and simple interface

No IT knowledge is needed, copy and paste, nothing more